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Showing posts from December, 2012

Meditation through housework

A couple of months ago, I was stressful from work and had to finish housework. I was tired and had no feelings to do it. I had no choice but started doing it slowly. I focused solely on each step from start till end and kept aside my earlier stress. After an hour, I got my housework done and more significantly I felt better, relaxed and calm. I asked myself what I had done to release the work stress. The answer was by doing housework! I was not convinced although it worked. I then shared the story with friends on Facebook just for fun and forgot it. These could be tools to release stress. Until recently, I came across a film on Buddha's life produced by the BBC . There was a scene where Buddha at a young age went out of palace with his father to join a farming festivity. He carefully observed a farmer plowing the earth. He saw worms were dug up and eaten by birds around. His mind came to analyse ...

Question your role model people!

For most of us, we admire other people due to their successes. We even approve them as our role models. We love the way they behave and sometimes imitate to get at least feelings of similarities. This is not necessary bad to follow good people. As long as we plan to work hard as they do, we might get something and hopefully better things. But the issue here is normally we see only the bright part of our role models. We know them because they are shining. And we never ask about or do not have chances to see their back stages. People who are entitled 'successful' feel comfortable to offer advices about their hard work or unique ways to climb to the top. Sometimes, they forget to include 'what else' contributed along their journey. These could be family advantages, social benefits, economical demands, and political helps, to mention some big things. Of course they are smart people, but their incomplete advice could create a misunderstanding among their peers w...