A couple of months ago, I was stressful from work and had to finish housework. I was tired and had no feelings to do it. I had no choice but started doing it slowly. I focused solely on each step from start till end and kept aside my earlier stress. After an hour, I got my housework done and more significantly I felt better, relaxed and calm. I asked myself what I had done to release the work stress. The answer was by doing housework! I was not convinced although it worked. I then shared the story with friends on Facebook just for fun and forgot it. These could be tools to release stress. Until recently, I came across a film on Buddha's life produced by the BBC . There was a scene where Buddha at a young age went out of palace with his father to join a farming festivity. He carefully observed a farmer plowing the earth. He saw worms were dug up and eaten by birds around. His mind came to analyse ...