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Showing posts from September, 2010

Better Taxer!

Today, I went to pay road tax for my motorbike. I found out that officers there were friendlier and more helpful. More importantly, they were more transparent! Thanks to the tax department, NGOs, and everyone for this improvement. Especially, a big credit to individual taxer for their commitment. Keep up good work! Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0

Sugar, Salt, Fat, Oh and Super seasoning!

I have heard that a combination of sugar, salt, and fat is perfect ingredient for many dishes. It is true and it makes most food companies become giants. However, excessive consumption of the bunch leads to health concerns. Actions and researches especially in the West have focused on solutions to the problem. In Cambodia, I would add another member to the group, super seasoning. It is simply a chemical substance that could fool our tongues and brains to accept more food than our bodies need. It is popular here and it is widely used at homes and restaurants. Unfortunately, I do not like it and I suspect it might harm my health. Any studies on that? Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9

Original please! Stop copying!

It is the second time this year that I heard about foreign entertainment companies planned to sue Cambodian firms for copying their work. It is applauded, by the way. Every time I listen to the current Cambodian music, I have the feeling of finding out where it is copied from. It is annoying! I could not relax with the music. That's why almost every month local firms are able to release at least an album! The number of album sung by a local singer exceeds even Michael Jackson's. Achieving that is very easy, sit down and copy. Those companies always complaint of pirate CDs copying their work, but they never admit their sin. Wake up, please!  If we put all the blames to the market or the audience, it is very wrong. Audience never like the copied ones although they prefer low cost. They would like great music, the one that they admire and appreciate! And if you tell me Cambodian music is invaded by foreigners' resulted from globalization's effect, it will never convi...

Games, hard to ignore

Last week the Vietnamese government banned online games claiming that they kept kids out of schools. The action revealed supports and doubts. In Cambodia, the State did the same thing earlier but later compromised to axe only on games with betting nature. Local online games in Phnom Penh become very popular among school kids. They make internet cafes more crowded especially the back sides. Visiting such a place one day, I encountered kids speaking strange terms, especially those from games. It is hard to say if those games are good or bad for kids. On one hand, they could access to new technologies and knowledge. But on the other hand, they isolate themselves from social participations, more dangerously from schools. So what is the right recipe? My experiece on this issue was with my nephew who finds it hard to refuse online games. " I just love the characters, the adventure, competitions,colours, music, and more," he told me. This everything leads him to sit hours there a...