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Showing posts from April, 2013

Want to help farmers? Help them to think!

One evening I sat down with a group of five farmers in Preah Vihear province. We had a discussion of how to improve our livelihoods when the nature is no longer nice to us. "If I own a pair of cows, I will plow my field and turn it into a vegetable garden. They also give dung for fertilizers, " a woman said. "But I will buy them after the next harvest season," she continued. "There is no water for rice farming during dry seasons," a man talked to me. "Even you bring us a canal, we are not sure if we plant rice," he frowned. "Why?" I asked. "Because our habit is to farm once a year, if you do, you will be alone and people's animal will eat your rice. I cannot afford making fences around my field," he said. Another man replied promptly, "Fencing is not a big deal, but water is." "I already do farming around a small pond, where water is almost empty during dry seasons," he said as if another source o...